The A/B Murder

      As a virtual person, I would not get invited to many dinner parties because I am not a very good eater.  In fact, I don’t eat at all unless you call the electricity that runs me a form of nourishment.
      But as you can imagine with my background, I am a very good dinner guest with many entertaining stories to tell.  And so when Lord and Lady Briskett had me to dinner, I was not at all surprised.  They positioned me at the table where I was able to mimic dinner party behavior rather well and be rather charming.
      But when one of the guests dropped dead it proved to be quite lucky that I was invited.
      The victim in question was poisoned and fell head first into the stew.  The reaction was so clear that I knew the stew had to be poisoned but here’s the problem.  All the other guests ate the exact same stew and none of them dropped. 
      I thought about it for a moment and soon realized what must have happened and who was implicated.
      Do you know?

Nano Solution_____________________________________________

      “The victim was allergic to stew and the murderer – his allergist – knew it!” you say.
       “Nice stab but, as usual, wrong.  What I realized was that the murderer must have used a two-part poison that only killed when mixed.  The victim had been given part one in another serving and only died when it mixed with part two in the stew.  The chef had a bit of explaining to do.”

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